
发布日期:2018-05-03 来源: 字体:[ ]

  应大陆碰撞与高原隆升重点实验室丁林院士的邀请,英国布里斯托大学和Cabot研究所Paul Valdes教授来我所交流并作学术报告。

  报告题目: Modelling the role of the Tibetan Plateau in the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon

  报 告 人:Paul Valdes 教授

  主 持 人:丁 林 院士

  时    间:2018-5-7(星期一)上午09:00

  地    点:青藏所915会议室


  Professor Paul Valdes works in Cabot Institute and School of Geographical Sciences University of Bristol. The research of prof. Valdes focusses on using Earth System models to study environmental change. The work spans all time periods from millions of years into the past, to thousands of years into the future, and particularly examines the interactions between the atmosphere and ocean and other components of the Earth system such as ice sheets, carbon cycle, and biogeochemical change. He has published more than 220 peer-reviewed papers on various aspects of past, present, and future change. He is a Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Bristol, UK. In 2007, he was awarded a Royal Society Wolfson Merit Prize for his work on climate change, and in 2015 was awarded the Milutin Milankovic Medal by the European Geosciences Union.